History of Folklore
The word folklore is derived from root “folk” and“lore “.“Folk”means public while “lore” is “information, science“. Therefore folklore refers to social science, the study of a society. The term “folklore” was first used by English William j. Thoms in 1846.
Since 1846, the term has gained popularity in Anglo - Saxon countries and others like Sweeden, Norway, Finland and France followed by its adoption in Turkey. In countries where Germanic languages are used( Germany, Austria, Switzerland) the equavelant term“Volkskunde” is used.
Since every nation possesses a specific social structure, in defining and determining the cover range of folklore, scientists of each country direct their evaluations in respect to the specific lifestyle of their society.
For instance: In Germany, folklore is the entrance of political sciences and the textbook of social politics. Folklore is the stereotype, spirit and the scientific approach of the people.
Folklore is beliefs without doctrines, practices without theories. Folklore is the information that cannot be taugt but is created by the society itself such as legends, tales, traditions, songs, lyrics, heavenly beliefs and magics. Folklore is the encyclopedia of beliefs and traditions of underdeveloped races and nations.
The word “folklore” is first used in Turkey by Ziya Gökalp in 1923. Despite its failure of early adoption in the common language, the word was later accepted by many scientist and received its place in the languge.