He was born in Edirne in 1948. Having completed primary, secondary and high school in Edirne, his profession is customhouse agent and tourism. He is still active in the field of tourism. Veznikli has been serving in folklore practices for 44 years. He started folklore practices in Edirne Public Education Center. Later, serving the “Promotion of Edirne and Tourism Foundation” as an instructer and administrator, he then became the founder and administrator of Edirne Folklore Foundation along with his friends. This foundation has ceased function after the founding of Anatolian Folklore Foundation Edirne Branch. Veznikli is one of the few folklorists of the last years performing researches and having discovered new dances and melodies especially in Trakya Folklore. Besides being a founding member and supervisary board of Anatolian Folklore Foundation, he is married and father of two children.