Artvin Region Dances Photo Gallery
With regard to Folk Dances, Artvin province related to both “Bar” of the NorthEastern Region and “Horon” in East Black Sea Region.
Therefore it is possible to observe “Bar”, “Horon” and Azerian Dance in Artvin Province. The region houses dances like Ata Barı and Hançer Barı along with Düz Horon, Deli Horon as well as Baycan, Ondört, Tamara, Şeyh Şamil. This because the region shows great diversity in terms of culture, music and instruments as in the example of Samsun, Sakarya and Eskişehir Provinces which hold ethnic dances.
The Dances are accompanied by, Drum, Cura, Zurna, Small Drum, Kaval, Tulum, Balaban which is made of eagle wings, Armonica(Garmon) and even Kemençe in some towns and villages. This mixed situation reveals itself in the costumes as well. Men’s costumes are like a mixture of Straight Azerian clothes with Blacksea Horon region clothes. Yet it proves to resemble more closely to Blacksea Region costumes.
Some of the dances performed in Artvin region are named as follows: Horon, Deli Horon, Ata Barı, Artvin Barı, Döne, Sarı Çiçek, Uzun Dere, Koçeri, Ondörtlü, Kız Horonu, Acara, Cilvelioy, Temüraşa, Hançer Barı, Köroğlu Oyunu, Tamzara, Tamara, Hemşin, Coşkun Çoruh, Atom, Orta Batum, Yenge Can, Üç Ayak, Ağır Bar.